Over the last three years I have made a lot of disk clones with clonezilla. I did this before reinstalling another OS or just to backup, but I always did it quickly. That means I just cloned the disk and never looked at it again. I only had to restore two or three times.
The problem is that because I did not really document anything about what is in the image, I now have no clue if I still want to keep image X or image Y. I need to see what is in the images...
So I'm restoring images by cat'ing together the compressed pieces of my images and decompressing them and piping that stream into partclone restore utility.
Now I keep getting this very obscure error:Partclone v0.2.80 http://partclone.org Starting to restore image (2013uncompressed.img) to device (2013.iso) UID is root. source=2013uncompressed.img, target=2013.iso open source file/device 2013uncompressed.img open target file/device 2013.iso device (2013.iso) is mounted at error exit
I have no clue what to do with that. So I downloaded an old version of clonezilla that contained the same version of partclone that the cloned image was made with. That gave the same error. Then I found an answer on askubuntu with zero rating. Just create the file first before you issued the partclone.restore. So to summarize:
**touch /dir-to-new-image/partition.img** sudo cat /dir-to-images/partitionname.gz.* | sudo gzip -d -c | sudo partclone.restore -C -s - -O /dir-to-new-image/partition.img
So in the end this was super easy and I did not even need a clonezilla live usb. I could just do this from arch linux using partclone 2.80.
Thanks to: